2Factor Oauth2.0 with JWT(Mobile and Email based) - TradePulse (Part 2)


1 min read

How OTP 2FA works with OAuth 2.0

  1. Initial Authentication (Username/Password + OAuth 2.0):

    • The user first logs in with their username and password.

    • This process uses OAuth 2.0 to authenticate the user. Upon success, an access token (JWT) is issued.

  2. Trigger OTP (Mobile/Email):

    • Once the user is authenticated with their username and password, before granting access, the system will trigger the second authentication factor.

    • The system sends an OTP to either the user's mobile number via SMS or to their email address (based on the user's preferred method of 2FA).

  3. Verify OTP:

    • The user receives the OTP on their mobile or email and enters it into the application.

    • The backend system verifies the OTP against the one stored on the server (which could be stored temporarily in memory or in a database).

    • If the OTP is correct and valid, the user is authenticated successfully and granted access.

  4. JWT Token Generation/Refresh:

    • Once the OTP is validated, the backend system issues or refreshes the JWT for the user, allowing them to make further authenticated requests without needing to re-enter the password or OTP.