The linked content appears to describe a comprehensive project titled Trade Pulse, which involves full-stack development using React for the frontend and Java for the backend. The project focuses on trading applications, showcasing skills in both modern web technologies and server-side programming.
*Outline for Trade Pulse - Building in React + Java (Spring Boot Framework)**
Overview of Trade Pulse project
Importance of using React and Java Spring Boot
Objectives of the article
Creating a React application
Setting up a Spring Boot project
**Building the Frontend with React**
Designing the User Interface
Wireframing and component structure
JSX and component creation
State Management in React
Using hooks and context API
Managing application state
Interaction with Backend APIs
Fetching data with Axios or Fetch API
Rendering data and handling state changes
**Developing the Backend with Spring Boot**
Creating RESTful APIs
Setting up controllers and routes
Handling HTTP requests and responses
Database Integration
Configuring data sources
Implementing CRUD operations with JPA/Hibernate
Security Considerations
Authentication and authorization
Securing REST endpoints
**Integrating React with Spring Boot**
Setting up the project structure for full-stack development
API consumption from React frontend
Handling cross-origin requests (CORS)
**Testing and Deployment**
Unit and integration testing for React and Spring Boot
Testing React components
Testing Spring Boot APIs
Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) pipeline
Automating build and deployment processes
Tools and strategies for deployment
**Performance Optimization**
Optimizing React application
Code splitting and lazy loading
Using React.memo and useCallback
Improving Spring Boot performance
Caching strategies
Optimizing database queries
Recap of building Trade Pulse using React and Spring Boot
Lessons learned and future enhancements
Encouragement to explore and experiment with the stack further
**Understanding the Technology Stack**
Introduction to React
Features and benefits of React
Why React is suitable for building UIs
Overview of Java Spring Boot
Features and benefits of Spring Boot
How Spring Boot simplifies backend development
**Setting Up the Development Environment**
Required tools and software
Node.js and npm for React
JDK and Maven/Gradle for Spring Boot
Initial project setup
You can goto github repo for code - I will be updating the code and explaining here .
ER Model - Explanation ——
An Entity-Relationship (ER) Model is a conceptual representation of the data structure for a database. It outlines the entities involved, their attributes, and the relationships between them. In the context of the Trade Pulse project, the ER Model would likely include entities such as Users, Trades, Accounts, and possibly Products or Markets, depending on the scope of the trading application. Each entity would have specific attributes, like a User having a username, email, and password, while a Trade might have attributes like trade ID, date, amount, and type. Relationships would define how these entities interact, such as a User placing multiple Trades or an Account being associated with a User.
The ER Model serves as a blueprint for designing the database schema, ensuring that all necessary data and relationships are captured effectively.
ER Modelling for this project :
+---------------------+ +-----------------+
| Users |<--------->| Wallets |
|---------------------| +-----------------+
| id | ^
| fullName | |
| email | |
| ... | |
+---------------------+ |
+--------------------+ +-----------------+
| Assets |<---------->| WalletTransactions |
|--------------------| +-----------------+
| id |
| quantity |
| buy_price |<---------->+-----------------+
| coin_id | | Coins |
| user_id | +-----------------+
+--------------------+ | id |
| symbol |
+--------------------+ | ... |
| Withdrawals |<---------->+-----------------+
| id |
| status |
| amount |
| user_id |
| date |
| Watchlists |
| id |
| user_id |
| Watchlist_Coins |
| watchlist_id |
| coin_id |
+---------------------+ +---------------------+
| VerificationCodes |<--------->| Users |
|---------------------| +---------------------+
| id |
| otp |
| user_id |
| email |
| mobile |
| verification_type |
+---------------------+ +---------------------+
| TradingHistories |<--------->| Users |
|---------------------| +---------------------+
| id |
| selling_price |
| buying_price |
| coin_id |
| user_id |
+---------------------+ +---------------------+
| PaymentOrders |<--------->| Users |
|---------------------| +---------------------+
| id |
| amount |
| status |
| payment_method |
| user_id |
+---------------------+ +---------------------+
| PaymentDetails |<--------->| Users |
|---------------------| +---------------------+
| id |
| account_number |
| account_holder_name |
| ifsc |
| bank_name |
| user_id |
+---------------------+ +---------------------+
| Orders |<--------->| Users |
|---------------------| +---------------------+
| id |
| user_id |
| order_type |
| price |
| timestamp |
| status |
| order_item_id |
+---------------------+ +---------------------+
| OrderItems |<--------->| Coins |
|---------------------| +---------------------+
| id |
| quantity |
| coin_id |
| buy_price |
| sell_price |
| order_id |
+---------------------+ +---------------------+
| Notifications | <---------> | Users |
|---------------------| +---------------------+
| id |
| from_user_id |
| to_user_id |
| amount |
| message |
| MarketChartData |
| id |
| timestamp |
| price |
+---------------------+ +---------------------+
| ForgotPasswordTokens|<--------->| Users |
|---------------------| +---------------------+
| id |
| user_id |
| otp |
| verification_type |
| send_to |
This is a detailed Entity-Relationship (ER) model that represents a system for managing a cryptocurrency trading or investment platform. Here's an explanation of the key entities and their relationships:
1. Users
Represents the users of the system.
id: Unique identifier for a user.
fullName, email, and other attributes define user information.
- Associated with Wallets, VerificationCodes, TradingHistories, PaymentOrders, PaymentDetails, Orders, Notifications, and ForgotPasswordTokens.
2. Wallets
Represents a user's cryptocurrency wallet.
Connected to Users (a user has a wallet).
Linked to WalletTransactions for recording transactions.
3. WalletTransactions
Tracks wallet transactions.
- References Wallets and Coins for transaction details.
4. Assets
Represents the cryptocurrency assets owned by a user.
- id, quantity, buy_price, coin_id, user_id.
- Links to Coins and Users to determine ownership and coin type.
5. Coins
Represents different cryptocurrencies (e.g., Bitcoin, Ethereum).
- id, symbol, and other attributes to define coin details.
6. Withdrawals
Tracks withdrawal transactions.
- id, status, amount, user_id, date.
- Associated with Users.
7. Watchlists and Watchlist_Coins
Watchlists allow users to monitor selected cryptocurrencies.
Watchlists: id, user_id.
Watchlist_Coins: watchlist_id, coin_id.
8. VerificationCodes
Stores verification details for user authentication.
- otp, email, mobile, verification_type, etc.
- Linked to Users.
9. TradingHistories
Maintains a log of user trades.
- selling_price, buying_price, coin_id, user_id.
- Connected to Users and Coins.
10. PaymentOrders and PaymentDetails
Tracks user payment transactions.
Attributes: amount, status, payment_method, etc.
Stores user bank information.
Attributes: account_number, ifsc, bank_name, etc.
- Both are linked to Users.
11. Orders and OrderItems
Tracks user orders (buy/sell).
Attributes: order_type, price, timestamp, etc.
Linked to OrderItems and Users.
Defines individual items within an order.
Attributes: quantity, coin_id, buy_price, sell_price.
Connected to Coins.
12. Notifications
Manages user notifications.
- from_user_id, to_user_id, amount, message.
- Linked to Users.
13. MarketChartData
Stores cryptocurrency market data.
- timestamp, price.
14. ForgotPasswordTokens
Handles password recovery.
- otp, verification_type, send_to.
- Associated with Users.
Summary of Relationships:
Users are central to the system, interacting with almost every other entity.
The system tracks wallet activities, orders, payments, trading histories, and watchlists.
Coins play a key role in connecting entities like assets, orders, and trading histories.
Here’s a breakdown of the relationships between entities in terms of one-to-one, one-to-many, and many-to-many:
1. Users and Wallets
Relationship: One-to-One
Explanation: Each user has one wallet, and each wallet is associated with only one user.
2. Wallets and WalletTransactions
Relationship: One-to-Many
Explanation: One wallet can have many transactions (deposits, withdrawals, etc.), but each transaction belongs to a single wallet.
3. Users and Assets
Relationship: One-to-Many
Explanation: A user can own many assets (cryptocurrencies), but each asset is linked to one user.
4. Assets and Coins
Relationship: Many-to-One
Explanation: Many assets (cryptocurrencies) can be associated with one coin type (e.g., Bitcoin, Ethereum), but each asset corresponds to a single coin type.
5. Users and Withdrawals
Relationship: One-to-Many
Explanation: A user can make many withdrawals, but each withdrawal is linked to one user.
6. Users and Watchlists
Relationship: One-to-Many
Explanation: A user can have many watchlists, but each watchlist belongs to a single user.
7. Watchlists and Watchlist_Coins
Relationship: Many-to-Many
Explanation: A watchlist can contain many coins, and a coin can be part of many watchlists. This is a classic many-to-many relationship.
8. Users and VerificationCodes
Relationship: One-to-Many
Explanation: A user can have multiple verification codes (e.g., OTPs for login or password recovery), but each verification code is linked to one user.
9. Users and TradingHistories
Relationship: One-to-Many
Explanation: A user can have many trading history records, but each record is linked to one user.
10. Users and PaymentOrders
Relationship: One-to-Many
Explanation: A user can make multiple payment orders, but each payment order is linked to one user.
11. Users and PaymentDetails
Relationship: One-to-One
Explanation: Each user has one set of payment details (bank account information), and each set of payment details belongs to only one user.
12. Users and Orders
Relationship: One-to-Many
Explanation: A user can place many orders, but each order is placed by one user.
13. Orders and OrderItems
Relationship: One-to-Many
Explanation: One order can contain many items (e.g., multiple coins), but each order item belongs to one order.
14. OrderItems and Coins
Relationship: Many-to-One
Explanation: Many order items can be for the same coin, but each order item is associated with one specific coin.
15. Users and Notifications
Relationship: One-to-Many
Explanation: A user can send or receive many notifications, but each notification is linked to a specific sender and receiver.
16. MarketChartData
Relationship: Independent
Explanation: MarketChartData stands on its own as it stores market data (prices) for coins over time. It doesn't directly link to any other entity in a one-to-one or one-to-many fashion.
17. Users and ForgotPasswordTokens
Relationship: One-to-Many
Explanation: A user can request multiple password recovery tokens, but each token is linked to one user.
Visualizing Relationships:
Users ↔ Wallets
Users ↔ PaymentDetails
Users ↔ WalletTransactions
Users ↔ Assets
Users ↔ Withdrawals
Users ↔ Watchlists
Users ↔ VerificationCodes
Users ↔ TradingHistories
Users ↔ PaymentOrders
Users ↔ Orders
Users ↔ Notifications
Users ↔ ForgotPasswordTokens
Orders ↔ OrderItems
Coins ↔ OrderItems
- Watchlists ↔ Watchlist_Coins
One-to-One relationships mean each instance of an entity is related to exactly one instance of another entity (e.g., Users ↔ PaymentDetails).
One-to-Many relationships imply one entity can be associated with many instances of another entity (e.g., Users ↔ WalletTransactions).
Many-to-Many relationships occur when multiple instances of one entity can relate to multiple instances of another entity (e.g., Watchlists ↔ Watchlist_Coins).
Lets Start with Backend now…………will be posting soon…..